Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1
20355 Hamburg
20355 Hamburg
T (040) 80 00 48 – 0
F (040) 80 00 48 - 111
Contact details
Isabell Radunz
Isabell Radunz is a lawyer and works in insolvency law as well as insolvency-related corporate law.
Short Vita
- Studied at Universities of Malmö and Hamburg
- Clerkship at Regional High Court of Hamburg
- Admission as lawyer in 2019
- English
- Schwedish
- German
Recent Publications
First practical experience with StaRUG – also review of District Court of Hamburg, ref. 61a RES 1/21, NZI 2021, 522.
Co-author of the Hamburg Commentary on Restructuring Law, ed. A. Schmidt, 3rd ed. 2022, there: §§ 20-23 StaRUG (voting at a meeting of the plan's affected parties, discussion of the restructuring plan and documentation of the vote)
Comment on OLG Hamburg - 16.02.2022 - 12 U 12/18, Enforcement pressure based on a Worldwide Freezing Order (WFO) issued under English law, jurisPR-InsR 13/2022 Anm. 2
- Lawyers' Association Hamburg
- North German Insolvencs Forum (NIF)