20355 Hamburg
Markus Lüdtke
Lawyer, Business Economist
Markus Lüdtke has many years of experience in insolvency proceedings of natural persons, estates and companies of all sizes and industries. His main areas of practice are the continuation of business operations, transferred restructurings and the preparation of insolvency plans. For more than ten years he has been appointed as insolvency administrator, trustee and expert witness by the District Court of Hamburg. He regularly publishes articles on insolvency law and has commented on Sections 35-46 InsO (German Insolvency Code) in the Hamburg Commentary on Insolvency Law since its first edition.
Short Vita
- Training as wholesale and foreign trade merchant at Otto Versand Hamburg
- Studied business administration at the Hamburg Academy of Economics (Wirtschaftsakademie Hamburg) during training
- Studied law at the University of Hamburg
- Clerkship at Regional High Court of Hamburg
- Lawyer since 2000
- Appointed as insolvency administrator since 2006
- Insolvency Administration
- Restructuring
- English
- German

Co-author of the Hamburg Commentary on Insolvency Law (ed. A. Schmidt), 9th ed. 2021,
there: asset and liability masses of the insolvency proceedings as well as basics of the law on shareholder loans (Sections 35-46 InsO)

Co-author of the Commentary on Personal Insolvency Law (ed. A. Schmidt), 2nd ed. 2021, there: Aims of the insolvency proceedings and general provisions (Sections 1-4 InsO)

The right in rem housing law to own property as an effective obstacle to the sale of real estate?, ZVI 2019, 291-297, with Kristina Schulz

Similarities and differences in debt settlement in the regular insolvency and insolvency plan proceedings, ZVI 2016, 297-303

Are pensions from private pension plans covered by Section 114 InsO?, ZVI 2013, 46-50

Annotation to BGH, 18.04.2013 - IX ZR 165/12 on the extension of a blanket assignment concluded before the opening of insolvency proceedings to claims obtained by the insolvent debtor after a release under Section 35 (2) InsO, ZVI 2013, 228-229

The retirement arrangements of the managing director in a GmbH insolvency, InsVZ 2010, 392-400
- North German Insolvency Forum (NIF)