Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1
20355 Hamburg
20355 Hamburg
T (040) 80 00 48 – 0
F (040) 80 00 48 - 111
Contact details
Dipl.-Volkswirt Stephan Buchert
Auditor and Tax Consultant
Stephan Buchert has extensive experience as an auditor and tax consultant. He started his career at a large international auditing company and has been managing partner of the auditing and tax consultancy NPP Niethammer Posewang & Partner GmbH for more than 20 years. He focuses on financial services companies and non-profit organizations.
Short Vita
- Studied at Kiel University
- Admission as tax consultant (1989)
- Admission as auditor (1991)
- Audits of annual and consolidated financial statements
- Special Audits
- International Accounting
- Corporate Taxes
- Business Valuations
- Financial Services Companies
- Auditor for quality control according to Section 57a WPO (German Ordinance on Auditors)
- German
- English
- Examination committee for auditors of the Chamber of Auditors