Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1
20355 Hamburg
20355 Hamburg
T (040) 80 00 48 – 0
F (040) 80 00 48 - 111
Contact details
Dr. Ulrich Pohlmann
For more than 20 years Ulrich Pohlmann has been active throughout Germany, focusing on forensic investigations and, in this context, is particularly involved in asserting and defending insolvency-related and corporate liability claims. In addition, he advises on insolvency and insolvency related corporate law and has extensive experience in the area of judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution.
Short Vita
- Studied Law in Hamburg and Cambridge
- Research assistant at the Seminar for Civil Procedure Law at the University of Hamburg (Prof. Dr. Reinhard Bork)
- Doctorate in insolvency law (advancement award of the Dr. Helmut and Hannelore Greve - Foundation)
- Clerkship in Hamburg and Vancouver
- Admission as lawyer 1999
- Proof of theoretical knowledge for the "Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht" (Specialist attorney for commercial and corporate law) according to FAO (2013)
- Joint lectures with (Vors)RiBGH Prof. Dr. Ingo Drescher (II. ZS) (chairman at the German Federal Supreme Court) on topics of insolvency-related corporate law at RWS (2010 - 2017)
- Litigation
- Insolvency Law
- Commercial and Corporate Law
- Judicial and Extrajudicial Dispute Resolution
- English
- German
Recent Publications

First practical experience with StaRUG – also review of District Court of Hamburg, ref. 61a RES 1/21, NZI 2021, 522.

Co-author of the Hamburg Commentary on Insolvency Law (ed. A. Schmidt), 9th ed. 2021 (there: total loss liquidation and shareholder liability according to Sections 92, 93 InsO, D&O insurance)
- Lawyers' Association Hamburg
- North German Insolvency Forum (NIF) (founding member)
- Scientific Association for Corporate and Company law (VGR)